You can place whatever CODE you wish here, including invoking other Tags.
Note that you'll want to have calls for each of the Split_Screen_Sample_List Items, whether in this code or the code contained in any other Tag invoked here. To do so, you'll need to use the HTML 'href='hypertext reference.
Note 1) that the href invokes the /site/ of the Page relevant to this entire screen.
Note 2) Each of these Tags will have to have a Condition defined to match the "a=x" condition

Click here to invoke the 1st item, since a=1, in the list of Tags in the Code at the bottom of the right hand side of the row.
Click here to invoke the 2nd item, since a=2, in the list of Tags in the Code at the bottom of the right hand side of the row.
Click here to invoke the 3rd item, since a=3, in the list of Tags in the Code at the bottom of the right hand side of the row.

Note 3) The order of the href's above need not be the same order as the {%Tags}. What is important is the 'a=x' statement that will identify which Tag to invoke.