June 2012

(Including amendments approved by the AGM, Montreal 29 May 2012)


ARTICLE 1 - Name and Seal

The name of the Society is the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society - La Société canadienne de météorologie et d'océanographie. Its corporate seal is the impression stamped at the head of this Constitution.


The Society exists for the advancement of meteorology and oceanography in Canada.

ARTICLE 3 - Membership

Membership is open to persons and organizations having an interest in meteorology or oceanography.

ARTICLE 4 - The Executive and Council

The Executive of the Society consists of the President, the Vice-President, the Past President, the Treasurer, the Corresponding Secretary, the Recording Secretary and the three Councillors-at-Large. It also includes the Executive Director and the Director, CMOS Publications who are ex-officio and without voting privileges. The Council of the Society consists of the Executive, the Chairpersons of the Centres as well as the Chairpersons of the CMOS committees appointed by Council.

ARTICLE 5 - Changes to the Constitution or By-Laws

a) A notice of motion for changes (enactments, repeals, or amendments) to the Constitution or By-Laws shall be delivered in writing over the signatures of at least five members to the Corresponding Secretary, or shall be proposed by Council. The proposed changes, together with the reasons therefore, shall be published in the CMOS Bulletin SCMO or mailed to all members.

b) Members shall vote on the proposed changes either by mail ballot, except where otherwise required by the Canada Corporations Act, or at a general meeting as decided by Council. In the case of a vote at a general meeting, the changes shall be sent to members at least 30 days prior to the meeting. Mail ballots shall include a notice that only ballots received by the Corresponding Secretary before a specified counting date will be counted. The counting date shall be 30 daysafter the mailing of ballots.

c) The adoption of a proposed change to the Constitution shall require the affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of all members voting.

d) The adoption of a proposed change to the By-Laws shall require the affirmative votes of a simple majority of all members voting.

e) Any such changes to the Constitution or By-Laws shall not be enforced or acted upon until the approval of the Minister of Industry has been obtained.

ARTICLE 6 - Non-Profit Status

The Society does not have as its purpose financial gain for its members and any profits or other accretions to the organization shall be used in promoting the advancement of meteorology and oceanography. In the event of the dissolution or winding up of the Society, all its remaining assets, after payment of liabilities, shall be distributed to one or more organizations in Canada having cognate or similar interests.


BY-LAW 1 - Membership

a) In accordance with Article 3 of the Constitution, the membership of the Society consists of:

Regular Members

Sustaining Members

Corporate Members

Student Members


Honorary Fellows

Associate Members

b) Regular and Sustaining membership categories are open to individuals. Each Sustaining Member is entitled to receive all publications of the Society in either printed or electronic format as decided by Council from time to time and to receive credit for a donation for that part of the fee that exceeds the regular member fee.

c) Corporate membership is open to companies and other organizations. Each Corporate Member will be entitled to receive all publications of the Society in either printed or electronic format as decided by Council from time to time. Each Corporate Member shall nominate one person who shall act on behalf of the organization in all dealings with the Society and who shall enjoy all the benefits of an individual member, including discounted congress registration.

d) Student membership is open to full-time students. The publication entitlements of student members may be defined by Council from time to time.

e) The title "Fellow of the Society" may be granted to members of the Society who have provided exceptional long term service and support to the Society and/or who have made outstanding contributions to the scientific, professional, educational, forecasting or broadcasting fields in atmospheric or ocean sciences in Canada. A Fellow is proposed by Council on the recommendation of a "Fellows Committee", and must be approved by an Annual General or Special Meeting. A Fellow must be a member in good standing. Active Fellows should not comprise more than 5% of the membership. The number approved in any one year shall not exceed 0.5% of the membership.

f) Life members named prior to the passage of the present By-Law shall continue to be recognized as such.

g) The title "Honorary Fellow" may be granted to persons who are not members of the Society who have made particularly outstanding contributions to the scientific, professional, educational, forecasting or broadcasting fields in atmospheric or ocean sciences in Canada or abroad. An Honorary Fellow is proposed by the Council on recommendation of a Fellows Committee, and must be approved by an Annual General or Special Meeting.

h) Associate membership is open to members of cognate Societies under conditions agreed upon by the Council. These conditions will usually include reciprocal arrangements.

i) Each member in good standing shall have the right to exercise one vote.

j) Applications for membership are submitted to the Executive or Council for approval. Both have the power to reject applications or remove members for cause, after giving the member to be removed an opportunity to express his or her views.

k) Members of the Society are normally assigned to a Centre, provided a Centre is located within a reasonable distance of the member's address.

l) Any member may resign from the Society by submitting a written resignation to the Society. Fellows may be struck from the Society for cause by a two-thirds majority vote of those present and voting at an Annual or a special meeting.

BY-LAW 2 - Annual Membership and Subscription Fees.

a) Changes in the annual membership fees shall be established at a preceding Annual General Meeting.

b) The annual membership fee is due on January 1.

c) Any member whose annual membership fee is not received by March 31 shall cease to be a member.

d) Membership applications received after September 1 are presumed to be for the following year, unless otherwise indicated.

e) Changes in the annual subscription fees for Society publications shall be established by the Council.

BY-LAW 3 - Publications

a) The Society shall publish a bi-monthly CMOS Bulletin SCMO and an Annual Review. The former publication shall contain Society and other news in the fields of interest to Society members, as well as appropriate technical articles, particularly on climatological and operational meteorological and oceanographic subjects. These two publications shall be received by all members in either printed or electronic format as decided by Council from time to time.

b) The Society shall also publish or cause to be published the journal ATMOSPHERE-OCEAN on a subscription basis. Members may be offered discounted subscriptions.

c) The Society shall publish other publications, such as the Program and Abstracts for the Annual Congress, as required by the Council.

d) Membership of the Publications Coordinating Committee shall consist of the Director, CMOS Publications and the Editors of the Society's journals and periodicals.

e) Council shall establish an Editorial Board for each of the Society's journals and periodicals. The membership, terms of office, responsibilities and authorities of each Editorial Board shall be approved by Council.

BY-LAW 4 - Centres

a) Upon receipt of a written request from at least four members, Council may, at its discretion, create a Centre at a location in Canada or in Canadian territory (e.g. a Canadian Forces base abroad), for the reading of papers, the holding of lectures and discussions on subjects related to meteorology or oceanography and the discussion of Society business. Council shall have the power to dissolve a Centre at any time if the Centre ceases to meet its responsibilities as outlined in this By-Law.

b) The officers of a Centre shall include, but not be limited to a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The officers shall be members of the Society in good standing, elected annually by a simple majority vote of those members present at a Centre meeting.

c) Notices of meetings of a Centre shall be sent to all members assigned to the Centre.

d) By February 1 of each year, the Chairperson of each Centre shall submit to the Corresponding Secretary, a written report on the Centre's activities and finances during the previous calendar year.

e) Council shall award annual subventions to permit the Centres to carry on activities related to the Society's aim.

f) At no time shall the total liabilities of a Centre exceed its total assets.

BY-LAW 5 - Special Interest Groups

a) Upon the receipt of a written request from at least twenty-five members, Council may, at its discretion, create a Special Interest Group and approve terms of reference. A Special Interest Group will consist of members of the Society not necessarily collocated, who are interested in a particular area of meteorology or oceanography, and who desire to join together. Council shall have the power to dissolve a Special Interest Group at any time if the Group ceases to meet its responsibilities as outlined in this By-Law. Non-members as well as members of the Society may affiliate with a Special Interest Group.

b) Officers of the Special Interest Group shall include, but not be limited to, a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary-Treasurer. Officers serve a maximum of three years. The officers shall be members of the Society in good standing elected by a simple majority of the respondents to a mail ballot sent out to all members of the Group. The officers of a Special Interest Group may be removed from office in accordance with By-Law 11.

c) Special Interest Groups organize scientific meetings in their areas of interest. They shall assist the Congress Program Chairperson, as required, in soliciting papers in the Group's area of interest. They shall also respond to requests by Council for advice in their areas of interest and shall report on their activities via the CMOS Bulletin SCMO at least once a year in addition to (d) below.

d) By February 1 of each year, the Chairperson of each Special Interest Group shall submit to the Corresponding Secretary, a written report on the Group's activities and finances during the previous calendar year.

e) Council may, at its discretion, award a subvention to assist a Special Interest Group in carrying out activities related to the Society's aim.

f) A Special Interest Group Chairperson may request the Society to levy a Special Interest Group membership fee.

g) At no time shall the total liabilities of a Special Interest Group exceed its total assets.

BY-LAW 6 - National Meetings

a) The national meetings of the Society shall be as follows:

i) An Annual Congress for discussions, lectures, or the presentation of papers on matters of meteorological and oceanographic interest.

ii) An Annual General Meeting, usually held coincident with Congress, to discuss Society business.

iii) Special General Meetings to discuss urgent Society business.

b) Notice of the location, date and hour of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to members at least 30 days in advance. The Annual General Meeting shall be held at a place and time determined by Council.

c) The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:

i) To receive and consider the reports of Council, the auditor, the ballot counters, the Committees, the Centres, the Editorial Boards and the Special Interest Groups.

ii) To approve the annual budget of the Society.

iii) To establish the membership fees for the next calendar year.

iv) To discuss and determine such other questions as may be proposed relating to the affairs of the Society.

v) To install new officers for the ensuing year.

d) Council shall have the power to call a Special General Meeting to consider and decide on any urgent Society business.

e) Notice of Special General Meetings shall be given to members at least 30 days in advance. The notice shall state the nature of the business to be transacted.

f) Any measure proposed to Council in writing by five or more members shall be considered, according to Council's discretion, at either a Special General Meeting or at the next Annual General Meeting.

g) Twenty members shall form a quorum at any Annual or Special General Meeting of the Society.

BY-LAW 7 - Annual Congress

a) The Annual CMOS Congress is normally hosted by a Centre and the location is usually rotated to different geographical areas of the country.

b) The Congress shall be conducted in accordance with guidelines approved by Council.

c) The location of the Annual Congress shall be approved by the Annual General Meeting at least two years in advance.

d) Council shall appoint the Chairpersons of the Local Arrangements and Scientific Program Committees on the recommendation of the Centre organizing the Congress. The members of these Committees shall be appointed by the Centre organizing the Congress, in consultation with their Chairpersons.

e) The Corresponding Secretary is the point of contact of Council with the Chairpersons of the Local Arrangements and Scientific Program Committees.

BY-LAW 8 - Prizes, Awards and Scholarships

a) Prizes, awards and scholarships are given by the Society to recognize scientific achievement and promote interest in meteorology and oceanography among scientists, students and the public.

b) All prizes, awards and scholarships are approved by Council after receiving the reports of the Prizes and Awards Committee and the Scholarship Committee.

c) A list of the Society's prizes, awards and scholarships and their terms of reference are contained in Appendix I to these By-Laws. Changes in the prizes, awards and scholarships, or their terms of reference, shall be dealt with in the same way as changes to the Constitution and By-Laws. (See Article 5 of the Constitution)

d) The Corresponding Secretary will publish, before the end of the calendar year, in the CMOS Bulletin SCMO and in any other appropriate publication of the Society, a call for nominations for the Society's prizes and awards and a call for applications for the Society’s scholarships.

BY-LAW 9 - Election of Council

a) The elected officers to Council are the members of the Executive as defined in Article 4. Only members in good standing are eligible to hold office in the Society.

b) Installed officers to Council shall serve their term from the end of the Annual General Meeting at which they were elected to the end of the following Annual General Meeting. The President and Vice-President shall not hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms. Other members of Council shall not hold the same office for more than four consecutive terms.

c) By January 1, a Nominating Committee, appointed by Council, shall prepare a list of nominations for the elected officers of Council. There shall be at least one nomination for each office. The nominees shall acknowledge their willingness to accept office if elected. In preparing its report, the Nominating Committee shall take into consideration the scientific, regional, and linguistic diversity of the Society, and the need for appropriate representation.

d) By February 15, the Corresponding Secretary shall send, either by inclusion in the CMOS Bulletin SCMO or by letter, to each member of the Society:

i) A list of members of the current Council.

ii) A list of nominations made by the Nominating Committee.

iii) Notification that nominations for Council will be received in accordance with By-Law 9(e).

e) Nominations in writing from the membership will be accepted by the Recording Secretary up to March 15, provided:

i) that the nominee is eligible for the office for which he/she is nominated,

ii) that the nominee acknowledges, by signing the nomination form, his willingness to accept office if elected, and

iii) that the nomination is signed by nine members, in addition to the nominee and the member making the nomination.

f) If there is no more than one nomination for each office, the nominated slate of officers will be acclaimed at the Annual General Meeting. If there is more than one nomination for any office, voting will occur by mail ballot either by inclusion in the CMOS Bulletin SCMO or by letter to each member of the Society. Ballots will be mailed to each member at least 30 days before the Annual General Meeting.

g) Ballots received no later than one week before the Annual General Meeting will be counted by the Recording Secretary and a scrutineer appointed by Council. A minimum of twenty ballots is required to constitute a valid vote. Winner(s) will be decided by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, a coin will be tossed to determine the winner. Results of the ballot will be announced at the Annual General Meeting.

h) The duties of the elected officers to Council are given in Appendix II to these By-Laws.

i) In the event of the death or resignation of an Officer of the Society, the Nominating Committee shall nominate an interim replacement for appointment by Council.

BY-LAW 10 - Appointed Officers

a) Council shall appoint an Executive Director and a Privacy Officer and determine their terms of office.

b) The duties of the Executive Director and the Privacy Officer are given in Appendix II to these By-Laws.

BY-LAW 11 - Removal of Officers

Officers of the Society, including Chairpersons and members of Committees and Editorial Boards, and Chairpersons and Officers of Centres and Special Interest Groups may be removed from office for due cause by a two-thirds majority vote of eligible members present at duly convened meetings of the bodies which elected or appointed them, after the Officers concerned have been given an opportunity to express their views.

BY-LAW 12 - Remuneration of Officers

a) Except for the Executive Director and the Chairperson and members of the Accreditation Committee, all other Officers of the Society, including the Chairpersons and members of all other Committees and of Editorial Boards, and the Chairpersons and other Officers of Centres and Special Interest Groups, shall not be remunerated for their services, but they may be reimbursed for expenses, incurred on behalf of the Society, and approved by the Executive.

b) Council will from time to time determine the remuneration of the Executive Director and make regulations concerning the reimbursement for expenses incurred on behalf of the Society and approved by the Executive.

BY-LAW 13 - Council

a) Council is responsible for the overall direction of the Society.

b) Council shall meet at least twice annually at the call of the President or at the request of any three members of Council. Time and place of a Council meeting, together with a proposed agenda, shall normally be disseminated to Council members at least two weeks before each meeting. The requirement for such notice may however be waived by members attending the meeting.

c) Four voting members plus the President or Vice-President shall form a quorum at any meeting of Council.

d) Council may meet and transact business by telephone, conference call or other means, permitting all attendees participating in the meeting to hear each other, when members are unable to assemble in one place. Also, a Councillor may participate in a Council meeting by conference call if all Council members present at the meeting agree.

e) Council shall appoint members and chairpersons of Committees except as specified in By-Law 15(a), and Editors and Editorial Boards, and shall prescribe their terms of reference.

f) Council shall ensure that proper and sufficient accounts are kept of the funds, receipts and expenditures of the Society.

g) Council shall have the power to disburse and invest the funds of the Society in ways which it deems to be in the best interests of the Society. Council shall also have the power to establish a line or lines of credit, not exceeding the reserves held by the Society.

h) Councillors shall have equal voting rights; those holding more than one office concurrently are entitled to only one vote at Council. An affirmative vote of a majority of the members present shall be required for the resolution of any question. In the event of a tie the Chairperson, who does not normally vote, shall cast the deciding vote.

BY-LAW 14 - The Executive

a) The Executive of the Society is the executive arm of Council, reporting to Council and conducting the affairs of the Society within the limits of the powers conferred on it by Council.

b) To facilitate meetings of the Executive and day-to-day business, Executive members are normally located in one or more nearby Centres for three to four years after which a different area is chosen for the location of the Executive.

c) The Executive meets as often as it deems necessary. Time and place of Executive meetings, together with a proposed agenda shall be disseminated to Executive members at least one week before each meeting. The requirement for such notice may however be waived by members attending the meeting.

d) Voting rights and procedures shall be the same as those for the Council, and conference call meetings or participation by conference call by individual members shall be permitted under the same terms as for the Council.

e) Two voting members plus the President or Vice-President shall form a quorum at any Executive meeting.

f) Between Council meetings, the Executive is responsible for ensuring that every reasonable action is taken to accomplish the aims of the Society subject to the policy decisions made by Council. Specifically the Executive has responsibility for:

i) Execution of the day-to-day business of the Society.

ii) The finances of the Society within the limits set by the Annual General Meeting on the approval of the annual budget.

iii) Implementation of the decisions of Council as directed.

iv) Other matters specifically delegated by the Council to the Executive.

BY-LAW 15 - Committees, Editorial Boards and Working Groups

a) The Committees appointed by the Council are: the Accreditation Committee, the External Relations Committee, the Fellows Committee, the Finance and Investment Committee, the Membership Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Private Sector Committee, the Prizes and Awards Committee, the Publications Coordinating Committee, the School and Public Education Committee, the Scientific Committee, the University and Professional Education Committee and the Weathercaster Endorsement Committee. Ad Hoc and other Committees may be appointed by the Council as required.

b) The term of membership on a committee will generally not exceed three consecutive years. Exceptions may be made for a member of a committee appointed to the chair after one or more years' service on the committee. A chairperson may complete a three-year term in that office. Members of the Publications Coordinating Committee may also serve longer than three years.

c) The editorial boards appointed by the Council are: ATMOSPHERE-OCEAN Editorial Board, and CMOS Bulletin SCMO Editorial Board. The former shall contain representation for meteorology and oceanography, while the latter shall contain co-editors for at least climatology and operational meteorology. The editor of the Annual Review is appointed by the Council.

d) Working Groups may be established by Council, the Executive, a Committee or an Editorial Board for a fixed period of time to complete an assigned task.

e) Additional provisions concerning terms of reference, membership, meetings and reports of Committees and Editorial Boards are contained in Appendix III to these By-Laws.

BY-LAW 16 - Finances

a) The fiscal year of the Society shall coincide with the calendar year.

b) The Treasurer and the Executive Director shall make arrangements for the preparation of the accounts of the Society for external audit at the end of the fiscal year. The accounts, the budget and the Auditor's Report shall be presented at each Annual General Meeting.

BY-LAW 17 - Auditor

On the recommendation of Council, the Annual General Meeting shall approve the appointment of an auditor for the current fiscal year.

BY-LAW 18 - Borrowing

The Council may from time to time:

a) borrow money or otherwise obtain credit upon the credit of the Society in such amounts and upon such terms as may be considered advisable;

b) issue, reissue, sell or pledge debt obligations of the Society, including without limitation, bonds, debentures, debenture stock, notes or other securities or obligations of the Society, whether secured or unsecured for such sums, upon such terms covenants and conditions and at such prices as may be deemed expedient;

c) charge, mortgage, hypothecate, pledge, assign, transfer or otherwise create a security interest in all or any currently owned or subsequently acquired real or personal, movable or immovable property of the Society, including among other things, book debts and unpaid calls, rights, powers, franchises and undertaking, to secure any money borrowed or any other debt or liability of the Society;

d) guarantee to Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ("CIBC") the indebtedness and liability of any person, firm or corporation, in either a limited or unlimited amount and wither with or without security; and

e) delegate to such one or more of the officers and directors of the Society as may be designated by the Council all or any of the powers conferred by the foregoing clauses of the by-law to such extent and in such manner as the Council shall determine at the time of each delegation.



a) The President's Prize

The President's Prize may be awarded each year to a member or members of the Society for a recent paper or book of special merit in the fields of meteorology or oceanography. The paper must have been accepted for publication in ATMOSPHERE-OCEAN, the CMOS Bulletin SCMO or another refereed journal.

b) The J.P. Tully Medal in Oceanography

The J.P. Tully Medal in Oceanography may be awarded each year to a person whose scientific contributions have had a significant impact on Canadian oceanography.

c) The Dr. Andrew Thomson Prize in Applied Meteorology

The Dr. Andrew Thomson Prize in Applied Meteorology may be awarded each year to a member or members of the Society for an outstanding contribution to the application of meteorology in Canada.

d) The François J. Saucier Prize in Applied Oceanography

The François J. Saucier Prize in Applied Oceanography may be awarded each year to a member or members of the Society for an outstanding contribution to the application of oceanography in Canada.

e) The Rube Hornstein Medal in Operational Meteorology

The Rube Hornstein Medal in Operational Meteorology may be awarded each year to an individual for providing outstanding operational meteorological service in its broadest sense, but excluding the publication of research papers as a factor, unless that research has already been incorporated into the day-to-day performance of operational duties. The work for which the medal is granted may be cumulative over a period of years or may be a single notable achievement.

f) The Tertia MC Hughes Memorial Graduate Student Prizes

One or more prizes may be awarded each year for contributions of special merit by graduate students registered at a Canadian university or by Canadian graduate students registered at a foreign university.

g) The Roger Daley Postdoctoral Publication Award

The Roger Daley Postdoctoral Publication Award, valued at $2000, is to be made annually to a candidate who, at the time of nomination, is working in Canada in a non-permanent position as a postdoctoral fellow or research associate, and is within 5 years of having received a doctoral degree. The award is to be based on the excellence of a publication in the fields of meteorology or oceanography that has appeared, or is in press, at the time of nomination. The first award is to be made in 2005, and the awards will continue as long as the fund established by Mrs. Daley, together with other contributions solicited through CMOS, will permit.

h) The Neil J. Campbell Medal for Exceptional Volunteer Service

The Neil J. Campbell Medal for Exceptional Volunteer Service may be awarded each year to a member who has provided exceptional service to CMOS as a volunteer. The award may be made for an exceptional contribution in a single year or for contributions over an extended period. The contribution should have resulted in an important advancement for CMOS and/or its aims, nationally or locally

i) Citations

One or more Citations may be awarded each year to an individual, group or organization which has, in the previous year, made some outstanding contribution towards promoting public awareness of meteorology or oceanography in Canada.

j) Postgraduate Scholarship Supplements

The CMOS Postgraduate Scholarship Supplements are awarded in association with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The successful students must have been awarded an NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship or Canada Graduate Scholarship. The supplements are tenable for a maximum of 24 months, provided that the holder continues to hold the NSERC scholarship. Two new supplements may be awarded each year, as follows:

The CMOS - Weather Research House NSERC Scholarship Supplement in atmospheric or ocean sciences

The CMOS - CNC/SCOR NSERC Scholarship Supplement in Ocean Sciences

k) The CMOS Undergraduate Scholarships

Two CMOS undergraduate scholarships ($500) may be offered annually to successful student applicants planning a career in atmospheric, hydrological, oceanographic or limnological sciences. These scholarships are tenable at any Canadian university. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or have landed immigrant status and be in their penultimate undergraduate year; the scholarships are to support the students' final university year. To be qualified, students should be taking four or more half courses in one or more of the following areas in their final year: meteorology, physical or chemical oceanography or limnology, hydrology or climatology.

l) The CMOS - The Weather Network/Météomédia Scholarship

This scholarship ($1500) is offered to a female student in her penultimate year of an atmospheric science program at a Canadian university who intends to pursue a career in the fields of meteorology or atmospheric science.

m) The CMOS - Daniel G. Wright Undergraduate Scholarship

This scholarship ($1000) may be awarded to a Canadian undergraduate student entering their final year of a B.Sc. Honours program in Mathematics and/or Physics, or a related discipline, at a Canadian university. The successful candidate will be selected on the basis of: their academic standing; a written commitment to pursue graduate studies in physical oceanography or a related field; and the ability and interest to communicate and share their knowledge with others, as indicated in their resume and letters of reference.

n) Other Awards

The Society may create other prizes, awards or scholarships to recognize scientific achievement and promote interest in meteorology or oceanography, as the need or opportunity arises.




1. The duties of the Executive shall be:

a) The President

i) The President is responsible for the overall management of the Society's affairs and may delegate responsibility and authority for specific duties in accordance with the needs of the Society.

ii) The President, or his delegate, shall represent or speak officially for the Society on all occasions of major import where a representative of the Society is required.

iii) The President shall take the chair at meetings of the Executive and Council and at all General meetings of the Society.

iv) The President shall not vote on any question brought before any meeting when he/she is in the chair, except that, should a deciding vote be necessary, he/she shall cast that vote.

b) The Vice-President

i) The Vice-President shall assume all of the duties of the President in the absence of the latter.

ii) The Vice-President will normally be nominated as a candidate for President in the succeeding year.

iii) The Vice-President shall assume particular responsibility for the direction of the Centres, Committees, Editorial Boards and Special Interest Groups.

c) The Treasurer

i) The Treasurer shall supervise the book-keeping by the Society's Business Office of the books of accounts of the Society and ensure that they are maintained in accordance with the financial guidelines approved from time to time by Council and in a manner agreeable to the Auditor.

ii) The Treasurer shall authorize the Business Office to disburse the funds of the Society up to a limit for single payments specified by Council from time to time. Disbursements exceeding this limit shall require a decision of the Executive duly recorded at a meeting of the Executive.

iii The Treasurer shall supervise the management of the investments of the Society in accordance with Council directives.

iv) The Treasurer shall supervise the collection of all accounts due to the Society by the Business Office and that Office's preparation of the accounts of the Society for audit. The Treasurer shall ensure that the Business Office makes available to the Auditor all such books and documents relating to the Society as the Auditor may require in accordance with By-Law 16(b).

v) The Treasurer shall provide periodic financial reports to the Executive and the Council and shall prepare the annual budget for consideration by the Council.

vi) The Treasurer shall supervise the preparation of all financial statements and Revenue Canada information returns for the Society.

vii)The Treasurer shall recommend an auditor to the Council.

viii) The Treasurer shall carry out other financial functions for the Society as may become necessary from time to time.

d) The Recording Secretary

i) The Recording Secretary shall record the action items and maintain the minutes of the proceedings of Council and Executive meetings, and of all General Meetings of the Society.

ii) The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for the preparation and distribution of agendas for meetings and for the distribution of relevant minutes of preceding meetings at least one week in advance of Executive and Council meetings.

iii) The Recording Secretary shall submit the agenda and minutes of general meetings at the call of the Editor of the Annual Review.

iv) The Recording Secretary shall carry out the duties of the Corresponding Secretary in the absence of the latter.

v) The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for Council elections in accordance with By-Laws 9(f) and 9(g).

e) The Corresponding Secretary

i) The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for the general correspondence of the Society and shall arrange for the maintenance of an up-to-date membership list and for the notification of members concerning upcoming deadlines, in accordance with By-Laws 4(d), 5(d), 6(b), 6(e) and 9(d).

ii) The Corresponding Secretary shall be the point of contact of the Executive and Council with Congress organizers in accordance with By-Law 7(e).

iii) The Corresponding Secretary shall carry out the duties of the Recording Secretary in the absence of the latter.

f) Councillors-at-large

Councillors-at-large are to be assigned specific responsibilities by either the Council or Executive in consideration of the need to:

i) liaise with other related bodies,

ii) serve on the Finance and Investment Committee, a Communications Committee, represent Council on the Scientific Program Committee of Congresses or

iii) undertake special studies or analyses.

2. The duties of the Appointed Officers shall be as follows:

a) The Executive Director

i) The Executive Director shall conduct such business and correspondence of the Society as may be directed by Council or by the President.

ii) The Executive Director shall be responsible for the proper functioning of the CMOS headquarters office.

iii) The Executive Director shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of all Committees established by Council.

iv) The Executive Director shall prepare and keep current the files and documents of the Society as established by recorded Council action.

v) The Executive Director shall have the custody of the Corporate Seal of the Society and, when required, shall certify documents issued by the Society.

vi) The Executive Director may appoint and determine the duties and remuneration of a Director of Publications, an Office Manager and others as needed, subject to the approval of Council

b) The Privacy Officer

i) The Privacy Officer shall be responsible for investigating complaints regarding the application of the CMOS Privacy Policy and for recommending changes to that policy as required.



a) Terms of Reference

i) Terms of Reference are to be developed by each Committee and Editorial Board listed in, or established in accordance with By-Law 15, and are to be submitted to the Vice-President for transmission to Council for approval. These Terms of Reference are to include also the Committee or Editorial Board structure, i.e., number of members, duration of appointments, any overlap of periods of appointments, officers (e.g., Secretaries) etc.

ii) Each Committee and Editorial Board is to review its Terms of Reference yearly and to inform the Vice-President by February 1 of any changes proposed.

b) Reports on Activities

i) Each Committee and Editorial Board is to forward by February 1 to the Vice-President a report on its activities during the preceding year.

ii) The yearly report is to include a forecast of activities during the next calendar year and a list of members together with dates (years) of beginning and end of their terms of office.

c) Memberships

i) Committees and Editorial Boards are to inform the Vice-President by February 1 of the new members/chairpersons they nominate as replacements of outgoing members/chairpersons (periods of appointment start and end on July 1). The proposed new members/chairpersons could exceed the number of actual vacancies and all must have signified their willingness to serve. Council approval of these new members/chairpersons will be notified directly to the persons concerned with copies to the Chairpersons of the Committees or Editorial Boards.

ii) In the case of vacancies arising during the year (e.g., resignations), the process of nominating a replacement shall be initiated within one month of the vacancy having become known.

d) Meetings

i) Each Committee and Editorial Board is to meet at least once yearly (usually at the site and time of the Annual Congress) and, if possible twice.

ii) Travel expenses for attendance at such meetings may be paid by CMOS if prior approval for paid attendance is obtained by Council.


The 22nd Annual General Meeting (Hamilton, June, 1988) agreed that a list of current CMOS policies as approved by Annual or other General Meetings or by mail ballots be appended to the CMOS Constitution and By-Laws, without forming part of them.

a) Centres

It shall not be the policy of CMOS to encourage the formation of Centres outside Canada. An exception may be made for groups of members who are normally resident in Canada but who are temporarily located outside Canada (e.g., a Canadian Forces Base abroad) (21st AGM, 1987, amended by the 22nd AGM, 1988).

b) Congresses

CMOS should decide on the location of future Congresses two years in advance (16th AGM, 1982).

c) Uri Schwarz Development Fund

The Uri Schwarz Development Fund is a trust fund controlled by the Council of the Society. The Fund will be used to assist Council in meeting the aim of the Society, namely, the advancement of meteorology and oceanography in Canada. The Fund will not be used for the normal operating expenditures of the Society, such as those connected with the established publications or national and regional meetings. Rather the Fund will be used for extraordinary occasions, e.g., when the Society has an opportunity to advance the sciences of meteorology and oceanography through special meetings, special publications, promotion, etc. The status and use of the Fund shall be an agenda item on every Council Meeting (22nd AGM, 1988).

d) Fee Structure

Membership fees should be separate from subscriptions for any Society publication except for the CMOS Bulletin SCMO (17th AGM, 1983).

e) Membership

Although the aim of CMOS is the advancement of meteorology and oceanography in Canada, it welcomes members residing outside of Canada in the spirit of furthering international cooperation (21st AGM, 1987).

f) Position Statements

The role of the CMOS Council includes the issuing of statements on behalf of CMOS on matters of public concern that are within the range of CMOS competence and that the Council has decided as having the broad support of the CMOS membership. Since these statements usually concern scientific issues, the Council uses normally the advice of the Scientific Committee in their preparation. In doing so the Council follows guidelines that it prepares from time to time and publishes in the CMOS Bulletin SCMO (25th AGM, 1991). The following is a list of position statements and their date of issue or latest modification:

Weather Modification (Feb 2002)

Climate Change (Feb 2002)

Natural Hazards (Apr 2003)

Kyoto Protocol (Jun 2003)

Climate Change (Jun 2006)

Climate Change (Apr 2007)

Climate Change (Nov 2009)

g) Retention of Incomes from CMOS Meetings

CMOS Centres, SIGS and other bodies organizing national CMOS meetings such as congresses or workshops are entitled to retain 10% of any profits made from such meetings. Under special circumstances, Council may agree to increase this figure (24th AGM, 1990).

h) Special Interest Groups

The activity of SIGs is reviewed annually by Council. If a SIG has been inactive for two years (e.g., no annual reports, no meetings, no newsletters or similar activity), Council will give notice through the CMOS Bulletin SCMO that the SIG will be dissolved unless evidence of renewed activity is forthcoming. If after a period of two months no members make a commitment to revive the SIG, Council at its next meeting, will act in accordance with By-Law 6(a) and dissolve the inactive SIG (26th AGM, 1992).

i) Publications Policy

j) Policy on Sponsoring of Conferences and Workshops

k) Privacy Policy

l) Policy on Tenure of Membership in CMOS

m) Policy on Reimbursement of Travel Expenses