Uploading Presentations to the CMOS OwnCloud file server

1) You should have received an email from OwnCloud providing you with a userid and password 


2) If you have not received such an email, please send a help request, with your name and abstract ID in the subject line, to: 
--> cmostalks@eos.ubc.ca 


3) Armed with your userid and password, open a browser and go to the CMOS 2015 OwnCloud server
--> https://roc.eos.ubc.ca:8443


4) Agree to the security exception


5) Enter the Username and Password you received via email


6) Click the "Log In" box 
1) Your Login should fail, and you will be asked to reset your password 


2) This has been done so that everyone is forced to change their password 


3) Click on the"Reset it!" text to reset your password 


4) This will trigger an email to be sent containing a link for reseting your password
1) After a few minutes an email should arrive from ownCloud (cmostalks@eos.ubc.ca)


2) Open the email and click on the link 


3) If after a few minutes you do not receive and email, check your spam or junk folders


4) If no email arrives, please send a help request, with your name and abstract ID in the subject line, to: 
--> cmostalks@eos.ubc.ca


1) The link will re-direct you to an OwnCloud password reset page 


2) Type in a new password and click "Reset password"
1) You should now see your Home folder where you must save your presentation


2) Click on the Upload icon at the top to upload your presentation
1) Use the popup box to select the file you want to upload 


2) Click "Open" to start uploading your presentation file(s)


1) You should now see your file(s) on the OwnCloud server 


2) Check the file size(s) to make sure everything loaded correctly


3) At anytime, right up to the morning of your presentation, you can upload newer versions of your presentation by simply loging on to the OwnCloud server (using your userid and your new password)
1) You are done !! 


2) The OwnCloud file server will make sure that your talk will be accessible to the computer assigned to your session 


3) As a result, you MUST upload your presentation prior to your session. Do NOT show up at your session expecting to be able to load your presentation onto the session-computer


4) To Logout, click on your username (the upper right hand corner) 


5) From the pull-down menu, select "Log out"