Membership Application Personal Info
Application Information
New application only. To renew a membership, please use the members only section of the web site or the form sent to you by mail.
Primary Contact Information
Primary Address*
Secondary Contact Information
Secondary Address
Correspondence Preferences
Online delivery is free, otherwise a delivery fee will be charged. You may only change your delivery preference during renewal.
CMOS Directory Preferences
By default, your name will appear in the CMOS directory of members. If you wish to be excluded from the CMOS directory, select 'No' here. If you choose to appear in the directory, you can control which parts of your member profile are reported using the controls that follow.
In some CMOS directories, rosters and committee lists, there is space provided for a short professional biography. If you'd like to have a bio appear in these instances, enter it here. You may sign in to your profile anytime in the future to add or update your bio.
In some CMOS directories, rosters and committee lists, there is space provided for a head-and-shoulders photograph. If you'd like to have a photo appear in these instances, upload it here. You may sign in to your profile anytime in the future to update your photo.
If you are a member of other Society please specify below

Area of Work and Interests
Specific Interests
For each Main Area of Interest selected above, you may optionally identify a specific interest or interests below.
You may create or change your user name and password by entering your new username and password below.
Your user name must be system unique (each registrant has a unique user name), must be at least 6 characters long and must not begin with a space.
Your password should be a minimum of 6 characters long, but longer is better. A good password contains letters, numbers and symbols and does not contain easily guessed words, names or phrases. Avoid using any part of your user name in your password.

Login Information - create or edit your login credentials